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Sending Documents and Qtn on 156/157

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  • Sending Documents and Qtn on 156/157

    Hi all
    My parents have interview at chennai consulate on 4th October 2006.We are yet to send the documents.How long it will take ,if we send the documents via,FedEx of USPS??
    One more question
    We want to modify the 1-156 and I-157 forms for both my parents.but in I-156 some of those fileds and disabled and in I-157 we were able to modify but when i click continue ,it was showing some error message.
    Any idea what to do ?
    I appreciate any help
    Thanks in advnace

  • #2
    The error message that you are getting when you modified the fileds might be a 'website' error on VFS. Try again after a day or so and the problem may be solved. You can not edit some of the fields like name, DOB, passport number, passport issue date, passport expiry date, names of parents, name of spouse etc.

    It took exactly one week by "Global Priority mail" by US postal service (post office). This is the best service for the buck according to me. It costs $9.50 whether you send 1 paper or whether you send 40 papers. I don't remember the weight limit, but if the weight is above certain limit, the price goes up from $9.50. You can not track the shipment, but it is reliable. We used this service 4 times in the past 1 yr and it took exactly one week to reach the destination whether it was to a city like Hyderabad or my to parents' small town in AP.

    This is what I did: I sent the documents in two installments.
    First set: FAQs, procedures, any printouts from informative websites, list of documents that must be prepared by my parents --> I sent these 1.5 months in advance so that my parents can prepare all the documents and can read and understand the standard questions and could ask me doubts when I call them every weekend.
    Second set: All the sponsor documents and anything else that I forgot in the first set --> I sent these 2-3 weeks in advance (i.e. they received them 10 days before the interview) so that they could spend time to understand each document and be well prepared.

    It costed me the flat $9.50 at the post office for 'global priority mail' both the times.

    Good luck!!!

    - Jaya.


    • #3
      Thank U Jaya for the helpful information





