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I am an artist applying for a Tourist Visa..

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  • I am an artist applying for a Tourist Visa..


    Well, am a Free-lance artist applying for a tourist visa to the US to visit my brothers and relatives. My brothers are sponsering my visa and they have sent all the required documents. I am very very keen on coming back and am going there just for a visit. How do i put it across to them? Even if i am being sponsered will they be asking for 'my' bank statements? Because I have been into this profession from just an year since i graduated and i dont think i have how much they would expect for travelling to the US. How is it for self-employed people ??

    Only today i got to know about this website. I wish i had known about it much earlier. Monday is my interview.


  • #2
    I do not mean to dishearten you, but usually young, single (I am assuming you are single) people with low incomes in home country, going for a casual visit are the most suspect not to return, especially with a close relative in US ready to help them.

    You cannot put it across to the officer that you will surely return. They make this assessment by their own criteria, mainly from your situation. Your case may be hard but not impossible. if you can show some very strong ties to India in terms of your self-employment situation, it may be helpful.
    Show whatever funds , deposits, shares, bonds, insurance policies,
    property you have,if you get a chance. They, in a way serves as ties to home country.
    Usually they do not look at many documents, only decide on the basis of your answers.

    Originally posted by Sangeetha

    Well, am a Free-lance artist applying for a tourist visa to the US to visit my brothers and relatives. My brothers are sponsering my visa and they have sent all the required documents. I am very very keen on coming back and am going there just for a visit. How do i put it across to them? Even if i am being sponsered will they be asking for 'my' bank statements? Because I have been into this profession from just an year since i graduated and i dont think i have how much they would expect for travelling to the US. How is it for self-employed people ??

    Only today i got to know about this website. I wish i had known about it much earlier. Monday is my interview.



    • #3
      I got my visa!!!

      I got my visa. I know it was a lil difficult as am alone and unmarried and all that. But after a lot of questions..they decided they can give me the visa!!
      thank you *peace* for the guidance !


      • #4
        Can you give some idea about the questions asked to you. Could help others too.





