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Please help!!

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  • Please help!!

    My mother's visa got rejected twice under the following situation...
    1. First time got rejected in 3/2006 and now in 9/2006.
    2. First time applied by son-in-law and now by me
    3. my brother-in-law is on H1-B and didn't inform me about the application.As a result of failure to attach my evidence of my presence in U.s the visa got rejected.There is no seal in passport or letter.My mom got shocked and left the embassy in chennai.
    4.This time i prepared so well that the VO is convinced by all paper work.They rejected this time by mentioning the reason as two kids in U.S crap.They just placed a seal and indicated as rejected "R".No toerh code.
    My momma is very sad.I am a green card holder and becoming a citizen next thursday.
    Can i apply for mother visitor's visa for third time? OR
    can i apply for my mother green card straight up since i will be a citizen?
    My momma never visited U.S before and she feel very dejected.please help!!Thanks for your valuable time and consideration.bASED on the reply to this thread i have to tell my mother to pay the fees and prepare for application again,

  • #2
    NO need to feel dejected. You are becoming a citizen so you should forget this visitor visa crap and file an IR petition for her immigrant visa.
    Anyway, once you become a citizen , her chances of getting a visitor visa
    diminish significantly because they very rarely grant visitor visas to parents
    of US citizens;the officer will himself ask the parent to ask their USC child to file for their immigrant visa.
    Get it. So go for the immigrant peitition ; she will most likely get it within
    a year's time. And do not waste your money, time, etc on a visitor visa.





