My father at the time of his interview at Chennai Consulate on Dec 21st was handed a 'pink form' after asking him where he worked before retiring and if he was doing any technical job as he is a Mechanical Engineer. My father has been in the adminstrative side of business all through his career and he explained the same to the VO. The VO asked him to fill out the pink form and use the drop box to send out relvant documents(if any) along with the form. She assured him that his case was straight forward and would get his visa within 4 weeks.
Would anyone know how these cases are handled at the consulate? Is their a priority pattern they follow or would it be random picking of cases? The case tracking site shows cases pending since 2004 and cases in random order are cleared since. Any information in this regard will be of help and we would know what to expect. Thanks.
Would anyone know how these cases are handled at the consulate? Is their a priority pattern they follow or would it be random picking of cases? The case tracking site shows cases pending since 2004 and cases in random order are cleared since. Any information in this regard will be of help and we would know what to expect. Thanks.