3) Name of spouse and children accompanying or following to join person:
in the name of person accompanying she wrote her name instead of the visitor accompanying them.
9th question That I have previously submitted affidavit(s) of support for the following person(s). If none, state none
she left blank
now i want to change that name , can i do it.
can i put whitner and rewrite the actual name.
or type with electronic type writer.
for annual income she didnt write the figures , can i write it or can i make a electronic typing..
can we write with pen or make electronic typing.
as papers are already sent to india. i have few blank paper which is half filled and notarised .
so can i write with pen or do electronic typing
no time again to send as interview is on 7th..
kindly advice
kindly advice sir
it is highly urgent
in the name of person accompanying she wrote her name instead of the visitor accompanying them.
9th question That I have previously submitted affidavit(s) of support for the following person(s). If none, state none
she left blank
now i want to change that name , can i do it.
can i put whitner and rewrite the actual name.
or type with electronic type writer.
for annual income she didnt write the figures , can i write it or can i make a electronic typing..
can we write with pen or make electronic typing.
as papers are already sent to india. i have few blank paper which is half filled and notarised .
so can i write with pen or do electronic typing
no time again to send as interview is on 7th..
kindly advice
kindly advice sir
it is highly urgent