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Q29 DS156 help

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  • Q29 DS156 help

    I need some help in filling the DS-156 form, Q29. My wife has been on student visa to US before and during her stay as a student, she has travelled home for 204 times.

    1. Q29 asks for the most recent date when she has been to US. Is this the date of first entry as a student or will it be the date of last entry as a student on the same visa?

    2. "enter additional visits to the US": she has entered multiple times on the same visa. do we need to put only the dates of these additional entries or do we also have to put the duration of each entry in the US?

    for e.g.
    if her visa was from jan 06-dec06
    dates of additional entry should be filled in as:
    xx feb-06
    xx may-06

    or should it be filled as:
    xx feb - 06 - xx may 06
    xx june 06 - xx aug 06

    the problem with the second approach is that although she knows the dates she entered the US as those dates of entry were stamped, but as dates of exits are not stamped in the passport, she does not have a record or remember these dates. can we just fill the form with the first approach?

    can anyone help?


  • #2
    I am not an expert, but as I see it, the second approach is correct.

    Now, the dates of exit from the U.S. may not be available but the dates that she arrived back in India are definitely stamped in her passport. After all when she got back to India she would have had to go through immigration at the Indian airport. So obviously the day before her Indian arrival stamp in the passport is the date that she left the U.S.





