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How to assemble the application

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  • How to assemble the application


    My mother has her interview in Telugu on Apr 11th. Her visa was rejected twice earlier. I am wondering what is the best way to assemble the application - the order of documents, etc. Any help is greatly appreciated.


  • #2
    jnknbc, Why was she rejected before ? Instead of thinking much about assembling the documents, think about the reason for the rejection and try to solve those.

    Extracted from prev Postings -
    Documents don't prove the intent, expressing the intent in words than showing a bunch of documents is what VOs prefer. The way you answer, by your expressions, VOs can find out if you are saying the truth or making something up. VOs are trained in their profession to spot these just like how Police officers can spot criminals by looking / talking to them. When you say the TRUTH, you are CONFIDENT and hence you will have a RELAXED EXPRESSION, when you TRY make something up, YOU GET TENSED, bcos your mind will always be in a state of how to DEFEND MY LIE. Hope this helps. Good Luck



    • #3
      Raj - thanks for the reply.

      She wasn't given any specific reason for refusal. The VO never even looked at any documents or has he asked many questions. My mother is a widow and all kids are grown and settled - just these facts appear to be influencing the VO's decision. This time around I wanted to be as cautious as I can be.



      • #4
        jnknbc, She should sponsor her Visa and show some Family Ties/Business Ties back in India. You have mentioned kids are grown n Settled ? U mean they are all in US. If so she will have tough time getting a VISA as she is a Widow as well. Anyways luck also is there. Good Luck.






