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sister Visa Rejected - Please Help

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  • sister Visa Rejected - Please Help

    My sister who is student in India attended interview on april 16th and her visa got rejected. I sponsored for her and all the paper work was fine. It was rejected on the ground that she is a student(potential immigrant). she had presented her college id and letter, but still it was rejected.

    1. can she apply again in May
    2. how many times can a visa be applied
    3. does reapplying affect her chances

    I want to invite her for just 2 two months as its vacation there, please advise.

  • #2
    For young unmarried people it is harder to get a visitor visa.
    This is a common misunderstanding that once there is a sponsor in US , getting a visa is easy.

    That is not the case. More important than sponsorship is ties to home country . In a lot of cases like your sister's , sponsoring is counterproductive. It directly meant that she could not afford the trip herself, which meant that she may stay back in US for better financial

    Need more info for her;
    *What do her parents do?
    *What is their financial status in India?
    *Has she ever been to any other country before?
    *What is your visa status in US?
    *What course of study is she doing in India and how much more to go?


    • #3
      Sister Visa Rejected - Please Help

      Thanks for your reply. Here are the answers to your q's.

      My parents are settled in chennai, mom is not working now,dad is working.
      my sister has not visited any other country before.
      my visa status is greencard
      my sister is doing MBA 1st yr, she has 1 more year to go.

      Could you please tell me as to what should be done next, also how many times can she apply, are there restrictions.

      Originally posted by peace
      For young unmarried people it is harder to get a visitor visa.
      This is a common misunderstanding that once there is a sponsor in US , getting a visa is easy.

      That is not the case. More important than sponsorship is ties to home country . In a lot of cases like your sister's , sponsoring is counterproductive. It directly meant that she could not afford the trip herself, which meant that she may stay back in US for better financial

      Need more info for her;
      *What do her parents do?
      *What is their financial status in India?
      *Has she ever been to any other country before?
      *What is your visa status in US?
      *What course of study is she doing in India and how much more to go?


      • #4
        There are no restrictions on reapplying ; you can apply after 3 bunisess days of last denial and as many times you want but her case there is no point reapplying blindly with the same situation.

        If your parents had very good income in India , the chances could be better
        with a different approach in the next application.


        • #5
          Sister visa rejected - Please Help.

          Iam going to reapply again. Could you please suggest different approach as you have mentioned below. What are the possibilities or how could it be portrayed.

          Originally posted by peace
          There are no restrictions on reapplying ; you can apply after 3 bunisess days of last denial and as many times you want but her case there is no point reapplying blindly with the same situation.

          If your parents had very good income in India , the chances could be better
          with a different approach in the next application.


          • #6
            Originally posted by deepukarthik
            Iam going to reapply again. Could you please suggest different approach as you have mentioned below. What are the possibilities or how could it be portrayed.

            The most important thing when one applies for a visitors visa is to prove one's social and economic ties to one's home country as a means of providing the consulate with concrete evidence of one's intention to return back after the visit to the US.

            The consulate sees no way for young adults to prove any such ties. They don't have well-paying jobs worth coming back to and their parents' economic ties don't apply to them. They are also unmarried adults who are capable of living without their parents and taking care of themselves. And an Indian college i.d. card or letter can do absolutely nothing to prove one's social/economic ties or one's intention to return.

            I cannot think of any way that a young adult woman on a pleasure trip to the US, visiting her sibling with her parents, can prove without doubt to a consulate that she will not stay back in the US with her sibling, and look for a job or a marriage.

            It would be easier for her to get to the US as a student (F1), skilled professional (H1, L1) or a spouse of a skilled professional (H4, L2).

            So I have to respectfully disagree with Peace and say that even if your parents were self-sponsoring their visit, that would not help your sister's case in any way.

            Personally, I have yet to hear of any young Indian college student who got a US visitors visa. If any of the readers of this forum personally know someone who has then may be they could contribute their experience.

            I also don't know whether a one month pleasure trip to the US is worth two rejections and worth possibly ruining future attempts at getting another kind of visa.

            So I cannot think of any loophole you could use. If you do manage to come up with a successful solution to this problem then please do let the forum know about it.
            Last edited by smohanty; 05-09-2007, 08:46 PM.


            • #7

              i hve got a news for u all.my classmate got a 10 year multiple visa last week but i got rejected.The only difference between him n me is tat he went to the interview with his uncle and his sisters husband sponsered the trip,whereas in my case i went during the same week with my parents and my sponser was my dad..the vo asked my dad 2 qs and simply rejected mine without even looking at me.

              both my parents got 10 year multiple visa

              i hve applied again on may 15th.wat extra information shall i give

              hopefully i think the cause for my rejection was i went with my parents which made them think tat i hve no ties bac in india.is my assumption correct??



              • #8
                Originally posted by karthik256

                i hve got a news for u all.my classmate got a 10 year multiple visa last week but i got rejected.The only difference between him n me is tat he went to the interview with his uncle and his sisters husband sponsered the trip,whereas in my case i went during the same week with my parents and my sponser was my dad..the vo asked my dad 2 qs and simply rejected mine without even looking at me.

                i hve applied again on may 15th.wat extra information shall i give

                hopefully i think the cause for my rejection was i went with my parents which made them think tat i hve no ties bac in india.is my assumption correct??

                I have no idea why you were rejected except to say you were probably regarded as a potential immigrant. I have heard and read of young adults who went to the consulate by themselves and were rejected.

                However, it's really interesting that your friend got the visitors visa. I am sure it gives hope to many readers of this forum.

                You should probably compare notes with your friend and find out what his preps were, what he was asked and what his responses were. He is your best resource for now. So prepare yourself accordingly.

                And for the benefit of everyone here, please do let us know the details of your friend's interview as well as those of your own upcoming interview.
                Last edited by smohanty; 05-10-2007, 09:21 AM.





