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Visa for Sadhu

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  • Visa for Sadhu

    i am trying to help a sadhu (my guru) get a visa, for a first time visit to the u.s. i am a writer and am working on a story about his life.

    anyone know if there is a special or different provision for a sadhu/****? any and all help much appreciated.

  • #2
    There is a religious temp work visa( R visa) for religious people but it has different criteria; you must be offered employment by a religious organization
    in US affliated to your religious organ in India.

    If he wishes to come only for a visit then general rules of a visitor visa will apply to him ; no special visitor visa for sadhus.

    He will have to prove ties to India; a letter from his religous organization in India showing how long, in what capacity and how strongly he is attached with that place.
    Purpose of visit;
    Mere casual visit to meet a friend won't work. Arrange discourses for him in US ; show evidence of that. Also, he should show he has travelled abroad
    to smaller countries before. Lastly, the inviting organization ( not you as an individual)
    in Us or his host org. in INdia should show that either one is fundng his trip.


    • #3
      thanks peace for the info. it's helpful! unfortunately, he has not traveled outside of india, so cannot show that. he has a life insurance policy and is affiliated with an ashram, so perhaps that would lend some creedence. so, you are saying that it is an org, not him or me directly that is sponsoring him? maybe he should travel as a regular guy, without the sadhu status. may be easier?
      Last edited by amerivisa; 05-04-2007, 01:04 AM.





