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Birth Certificate Issue

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  • Birth Certificate Issue

    This query is not related to Visitors Visa. But i am still posting here because Birth Certificate issue is common among all visas/gc and this forum gets more answers. Thanks and pardon me for this posting here..


    Hi All,

    My 140 (Substitution labor) is pending. I am preparing for submitting I485 application now. All my documents are fine. But my wifes birth certificate has a small issue.

    All her passports, other certificates has a birthdate of DD/08/YYYY. But her birth certificate shows DD/07/YYYY. Just 1 month in advance. I know it takes a long hassle to get the birth certificate corrected and we dont have time to wait as next month the EB categories might go back to retrogression.

    So what should we do now ?

    1) Submit all 485 documents without my wifes birth certificate and submit it when a RFE is raised(by that time we will have the birth certificate corrected)

    or 2) get another certificate from a VAO ( Does VAO's document valid here ?. My father in law claims that he can get a new birth certificate from a VAO )

    Seniors Please shed some light here !


  • #2
    what is a VAO ??

    One word of caution apparently the I-485 can be rejected without raising an RFE if the initial evidence is missing. And birth certificate or its equivalent is the first in the list. If that happens and the dates have retrogressed she will have no recourse but to wait.

    So either file the Bc you have or get it corrected. Is the birth certificate from municipal govt or a hospital issued one?


    • #3
      thanks waitin_toolong

      VAO - is Village Administrative Officer. I am not sure USCIS will accept a birth certificate from a Village Administrative Officer[with his govt seal]

      The birth certificate with incorrect date is issued by the local municipality i guess. my father in law is saying they wont correct the date and we have to go through court with more than 2,3 court visits which will delay my 485 submission.

      which option do u suggest.

      1) Can we send the available birth certificate (with wrong date) along with the rest of the documents and once we get a corrected one, can we send it to USCIS at that time ?


      2) Get a non-availability certificate(as the municipal system will not have a certificate for the correct birth month - DD/08/YYYY ) and affidavit from parents and use that as a secondary evidence?


      3) if there is a better way, please suggest.

      Thanks for yr time



      • #4
        I would say submit the VAO and the Non-Availability certificate as well as parents affidavit.
        That should cover you well enough.

        Trying to get the date corrected as you say is not going to be easy.


        • #5
          Thanks Waiting too long

          Thanks Waiting too long


          • #6
            birth certificate

            Originally posted by Raj_Raj
            Thanks Waiting too long
            Presently issuing of birth certificates in Andhra Pradesh is being examined critically.If you have already have one certificate issued by competant authority like Municipality or Corporation and that happens to be differebt (wrong or right) date when compared to your school certificates and passport abd if you had not used that certificate anywhere in the connected documents do not use that date now.Even if you succed in getting the bc date changed lot of problems comes to change of bc in pp.Obtain NOC/non available certificate for bc and proceed with affidavit of parents.


            • #7
              Birth Certificate

              I am planning to apply for GC for my father and mother. My father's correct date of birth is xx/04/xxxx as per the municipal records. However, for some reason probably by mistake his father registered it as xx/08/xxxx and this was being used all along in school records, passport etc. The mistake was noticed now when he approached the municipality for getting the birth certificate.

              What could be done to solve this problem? Can the application be made with correct birth record and the certificate and explained this as error to the US authorities.





