I have bought tickets for my parents for August end,while my due date is in november as i am expecting. Can someone please let me know for how long would the visitors generally be given the I94 duration to stay in the US at the POE. This is my parents first visit to US. I am concerned if theres a possibilty that they might be stamped for only 3 months(short term) which means they will have to leave US by November which is the time i need my mother the most.Else i am plannning to postpone their tickets which would again cost some penalties. I would appreciate if anyone can let me know like whats generally the duration that visitors are stamped their visa for in I94 at the POE. In case my parents are given the permission to stay only for short duration like 2-3 months, what are the chances that they can get their visa extended for another 3 months (total 6 months). Anyone who has had any experience please advise.