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Thanks to IMMIHELP from the Philippines

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  • Thanks to IMMIHELP from the Philippines

    Yesterday, Sept. 18, 2007, was our interview. We're a family of 3.
    Here are the questions they asked us. Mostly directed to my husband because he's the principal applicant.
    1. What is the purpose of your visit?
    My husband answered with a big smile: "Vacation".
    2. Who will sponsor your trip?
    "We'll be paying for the plane fares, tours and pocket money and my father-in-law will provide us accommodations"
    3. How much do you earn?
    "I earn PHP65,000.00 monthly plus incentives ranging from PHP20,000-50,000.00 from the plant, insurance and banks"
    4. Why is it a range?
    "It depends on the number of vehicles my group sells in a month".
    5. Do you have any relatives in the US?
    This one I answered, "Yes, my Dad. He's a US Citizen".
    Then our consul must have verified this because she encoded something in her PC. My Dad is an accountant in a US Govt Agency in LA.
    I was also asked how much I make and my son was asked how old he is.

    I noticed that it would be helpful if an itinerary is attached to the ds-157. We weren't asked to present any supporting documents. In hindsight, I didn't see anyone who was interviewed before us whip out any papers like COE or bank statements. But evenso, carrying those supporting papers that prove that we can afford the trip and that we have more than enough reason to go back home (how tiresome carrying those heavy documents around may be) gave us the confidence we needed. I think the consuls can actually discern if you're telling the truth or just bluffing.
    People at the US Embassy in Manila are generally pleasant and accommodating. We even forgot to be nervous while waiting for our turn to be interviewed. We just observed the people being interviewed before us hoping to learn something useful for our own interview. People were either given back their passports or a yellow slip with a barcode. The latter says you're going on a trip very soon!
    Just be truthful and relax. Don't volunteer any information that is not asked. I kinda made this mistake because i got a bit excited, well true enough the consul looked at me like I'm somekind of alien with three heads! haha! I assume interviewing 8 hours a day for 4 days a week would really bore the consuls to death if people just go on with unnecessary babbling.

    So to end this babble I just wanna say 1:Thank you to immihelp, 2:Goodluck to those who are currently looking for tips on line to help them with their application, 3:Smile

    Bye now, gotta go shop for an eyecatchingly big luggage for our Las Vegas and Los Angeles trip!

  • #2
    You are welcome.

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    • #3
      You will really enjoy your trip to Las vegas and LA. happy journey


      • #4
        thank u ramabalaji!





