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B2 Visa application

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  • B2 Visa application

    Hi,I am 30 year old business man working in my family business for the last 9 years.
    I had applied for a tourist visa in 2006 january and was rejected
    Since then i have got married and would like to visit america for a couple of weeks with my wife in July 2008.I have travelled to Thailand,Australia,Malaysia,Dubai, singapore, Sri lanka and Hong Kong in the last 3 years.
    Coming from a family business all property in our family is in my fathers or mothers name. I have a reasonably decent bank balance and also some investments by way of Fixed deposits and Insurance policy's.Also I have a I.T assessed income of Rs 3 lac a year.
    Is there any other papers i can take with me to show to the counsel officers??
    Also will taking property papers in my fathers and mothers name help my cause??

  • #2
    Yes, take everything you can. But its important to show in some way that you are involved in your family business. If all papers are in name of parents then how can you prove that you are running the business. And I think it has been a significant time since you were rejected and there is a significant change in your status too, so you are good to try again.





