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visa rejected twice

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  • visa rejected twice

    hi,my visitor visa got rejected twice for step2 usmle cs exam.i am currently doing my internship in stanley medical college,chennai,that ends by august 2008.my cs exam is on june 2008.i am again applying in may 3.can i argue that i have to come back for completion of my internship?

  • #2
    For correct advice;
    Please post your last two interviews in Q and A form ( whatever you can recall)


    • #3
      Originally posted by chellam84
      .can i argue that i have to come back for completion of my internship?
      You might have noticed the words "Visa is not a right but a privilege" on the walls of the consulate. So aruguing for the visa is not viewed upon as a good thing by the VOs.

      May be the VOs suspect that you will get into a MD program as soon as you complete the steps and never return back which is the burden that you need to overcome by presenting financial documents, ties to home country etc for a Vistor visa.

      People also try the GRE/MS/F1 option for writing the USMLE exams.

      I am not a lawyer and you need to consult with one to validate any info posted on the forum and discuss your case specifics. H1b Question? Read the FAQ first.


      • #4
        first interview:
        me:gm sir
        vo:gm,so you want to take step2 cs.show your step1 score.
        me:i showed both step1and 2 score.
        vo:whats the interview you want to attend there?
        me:its for the post of observership sir.
        vo:sorry sir,we cant give you visa this time as you will start working there and wont come back.

        second interview:
        me:gm sir
        vo:gm.he watched the computer for five minutes and asked me 'whats your future plans?'
        me:i have completed my step1 and 2 amd ant have to take step2 cs.then i will apply for univ. and wanted to do sports medicine there as there is no sports teaching institute in my country and then practise in my home town.
        vo:sorry sir,acc. to our laws you seem to be an immigrant we cant give you visa.

        so guys,whats wrong with my answers? i still havenot completed my mbbs.i complete by august 2008.can i say that i have to come back after my cs exam to complete my internship?seniors,plz help me.my interview is on may 2.


        • #5
          Well the best answer in your case seems to be that I will have to come back for completing my internship as no residency program accepts students who have not completed their MBBS degree of which internship is a part.
          This is my personal opinion, may be someone can guide you better.


          • #6
            No, internship is not an answer because one can be accepted into a residency without doing an internship, it is called a fifth pathway program.

            I think step1 and step2 scores matter a lot.
            If you have marginal scores, you are likely to be denied.

            You should show documents (purchased clinic site, written offer of consultancy from a hospital in India after you complete your residency are a few examples) to prove that you will return. Also tell him any family circumstanes that will compel you to come back. That is what the officer wants to see.


            • #7
              my scores are 86 and 84.i know its low.but are they too low to be denied a visa?will i get visa this time?or i have to forget my lifetime ambition of residency in usa...


              • #8
                No, they are not bad scores but with scores in 90s having become so common, visa officers have become more selective.

                Can you get a letter from a reputed hospital in India offering you a consultancy based on your chosen field of residency?
                Can you show some small office space in your/your parents' name in India
                where you could practice?

                These things may help.

                If you get denied again, do not lose heart.

                There are other ways to get to US.

                *Keep applying for research jobs in US ( research assistants/ clinical research assistants/ research technicians etc ) . These jobs only require a bachelor's degree. Some will require experience but some do not.
                You can find several on craigslist.com or yahoo hotjobs.com
                This will require some patience and work but there is a good chance
                you could find someone who will be ready to file an H-1 visa for you.
                Choose large institutions and hospitals because they are exempt from H-1 quota.
                Not private companies. Remember previous visitor visa denials do not affect H-1. And one does not need to show that one will come back.

                *If you cannot find an H-1 job in US, try the canada route. Much easier to get a US visa if you are in canada;
                -You should apply for skilled worker canadian immigration but it wll take 6-7 years. YOu are young , 6-7 years is worth it.
                -Look for immigration through provincial canadian nomination if you qualify. That will be faster. Or
                -try to go to canada as a student. There are several canadian universities that do not require any tests apart from an english test.

                *If all else fails, and you really want to go, marry a US citizen.

                Good luck
                Last edited by peace; 04-10-2008, 07:00 AM.


                • #9
                  Really, Peace. Don't suggest marriage for an immigration benefit. That is fraud.


                  • #10
                    thanks everyone.i am going to show a clinic site in my dads name and going to tell that i have to come back to finish of my internship.the rest i left in gods.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by chellam84
                      thanks everyone.i am going to show a clinic site in my dads name and going to tell that i have to come back to finish of my internship.the rest i left in gods.
                      I hope he has one. If "showing" means faking, you are in for more trouble and possibly permanent ban if VO finds out.

                      I am not a lawyer and you need to consult with one to validate any info posted on the forum and discuss your case specifics. H1b Question? Read the FAQ first.


                      • #12
                        dont worry,i have a land in my fathers name in which a house is made of and i am going to show that as a clinic.i have a doubt..should i get a auditor letter or an engineer letter for that?


                        • #13
                          It appears that you are trying to show the existence of something which does not exist. The chances of being caught are quite high. Try something else (which others have suggested)


                          • #14
                            You are asking for trouble.

                            I am not a lawyer and you need to consult with one to validate any info posted on the forum and discuss your case specifics. H1b Question? Read the FAQ first.


                            • #15
                              sorry guys..you have mistaken me.i truly have a land in my fathers name in which a building is under construction.can i show that construction is for my clinic?should i get a engineer letter for that?





