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  • Sponsor Documents

    Hi There!!

    My uncle is going for Visa interview in India, the reason for his visit to US is for his nephew's marriage, his brother-in-law has already sent him the sponsor documents but he sent those documents in a sealed envelope addressed to the VISA consular officer (and the envelope is marked as "confidential").

    The question I have is, is it ok to take the sealed envelope to the interview? and if the consular officer asks for any of the sponsor documents, can he give this sealed envelope to him? Please let me know.

    Thanks in advance.


  • #2
    No. Do not make this mistake. There is not much time at the interview, so you will irk the officer. The officer is not supposed to open the packet and it is not confidential anyway.

    YOu need to have the papers ready in hand , handover whatever he asks for.





