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Fiances Aunt Needs Visa Using I-134 Form, Help

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  • Fiances Aunt Needs Visa Using I-134 Form, Help

    Hello everyone.

    I am a citizen of the United Stated and so is my Fiance. We are getting married in July and she would like her Aunt to come to the wedding. Her Aunt is a citizen of Tehran in Iran.

    Her parents would sponsor their sister but their income is not sufficient.

    They asked me to sponsor them and I was in the middle of filling out the form but I noticed it ask for tax returns if you are self employed. As you may know you can write off many things when you are self employed so my tax returns do not show a very high income either (around 35k/yr). I do have a good amount of money in my savings, checking, and business accounts though.

    So my question is:

    Should I be the sponsor of my Fiances aunt? If so, will my tax returns be sufficient?

    If not me, then who would be the best candidate to insure that they are granted the visa?

    Any other tips for getting a visa for a Citizen of Iran to come to the U.S.?

    Thank you!


  • #2
    The best thing is always to show self financing. That shows good ties to home country and increases the chances of getting the visa. But that requires very good income/riches at home country.

    What does aunt do? Her Age roughly?
    Is she married with kids?
    If yes,what does husband do?
    Is husband's or her income considered very good in Iran?


    • #3
      Thank you for your reply.

      Yes her Aunt has everything setup on her side. They are showing their income and houses they own in their own country etc.

      I was just worried about our side. As I asked on top, will my tax returns be sufficient? Can I not give tax returns but show large savings and bank accounts? Any other tips?



      • #4
        If aunt can show self financing you do not need to send an affidavit of support and you do not need to show any financial documents.

        Just send an invitation letter.

        But make sure she qualifies for self financing. I asked you a few questions
        to give you correct advice but you did not answer.

        good luck.





