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urgent visitor visa information

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  • urgent visitor visa information

    My mother in law is planning to come in the month of september and her visa is getting expiered in november, so my question is:

    Does she will have any problem at port of entry?

    She will be allow to enter though her visa is getting expiered and how long she can stay?

    thank you in advance.

  • #2
    No problems. she can enter before it expires, does not matter if it expires in 2 months.

    Also, stay granted to her does not depend on the validity of the visa. If she is given 6 months, she can stay for 6 months even if her visa expires before 6 months.

    PS. when asked about duration of stay at entry; one should never say 6 months even if one intends to. Say 3-4 months.


    • #3
      thanks peace for your immediate reply.
      But I have heard that someone was coming from india and did not get enter because her visa was expiring in 3 months, so i was worried.

      If she wants to renew it then should do it now or after 3 months or after it expires?
      Please see if someone can help me in this kind of situations.

      Thank you


      • #4
        All these hear-say rumors!

        Visa is just an entry permit till the POE from the foreign country. A person can be turned back even if the visa is valid for a number of reasons but not for the visa expiring in 3 months.

        I am not a lawyer and you need to consult with one to validate any info posted on the forum and discuss your case specifics. H1b Question? Read the FAQ first.





