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Need help on Visitor and H4 visa

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  • Need help on Visitor and H4 visa


    Is it possible to send my mother, wife and kid on the same day for visa stamping. I came last September to US and showing $10K bank balance.

    How do i take the appointment. Is there any chance of rejection of the visa for all, since all are coming on the same day? Please help me in this reg.

  • #2
    You should be more clear in your post.

    Are you on an H-1 visa?
    Is your wife and kid applying for an H-4 visa?
    Is your mom applying for a visitor visa?

    If all that is true, your wife and kid will be granted an H-4 but mom's case depends on some other factors;

    *Is she leaving behind any family ? Husband, other children?
    *Is she working/retired/housewife?
    *Does she/your dad have good income/finances back home?


    • #3
      Hi Peace,
      He is clear in his question. On the caption, he has mentioned for visitor/H4 visa. It is clear visitor visa for his mother and H4 for his wife/kid.Your answer clarifies his doubt.


      • #4
        Help reg visitor/H4 visa

        Thanks for posting the comments. But i am unclear about waht you asked. My mom is alone in India and i want to get her to me for some time. So applying visa (visitor) for her and for my wife and kid (H4).

        I want to send all of them on the same day for stamping. My mom is a pensioner and father is no more. Please suggest that will there be any problem for mom to get Visa?



        • #5
          Mom & wife got Visa on same day !

          My mom and wife & kid went for the visa on the same day with a 2 hours gap. My mom got the following questions:
          1> How many kids you have?
          2> Since how many years your son is in US ?
          3> What was your husband?
          4> Show son's paystubs?

          Since my mom already travelled to Kuwait(sis place), they saw that stamp on the passport and asked about that.

          Thank GOD, she got the visa at her first attempt.

          My wife was asked about only the pay-stubs.

          Dear Friends,

          If any one knows in how many months she needs to start to US, for her first visit. I am planning for next year. But i am not sure, in how many months the first visit should be.

          Please tell your parents not to be too worried or tensed during the interview. Tell them to be too cool.


          • #6
            It doesn't matter how soon she uses her visa. For as long as it is valid, she can travel tomorrow or in 2 years, it does not matter.
            Disclaimer: The information you obtain from me at this forum is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for individual advice regarding your own situation.


            • #7
              Thanks for the good reply





