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Brother plans to visit me in USA

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  • Brother plans to visit me in USA

    My elder brother plans to visit me once we have a baby next month

    He has his own business (mechanical workshop).which is good. At this point he plans to come alone- no plans of my sister in law to join because of their 4 year old and elder sons school.

    Should they still go for VISA together ?

    I plan to send out the picture of our baby and invitation letter to my brother once baby arrives

    He has not visited any other countries before..

    Any suggestions and do/don't will be greatly appreciated..

    Thanks in advance!

  • #2
    Elder brother just coming alone 14000 miles to see baby is NOT natural and NOT advised. Officer will think it is an excuse and you will help him settle in US.

    Please post for more advice;

    *What is his income in India (roughly)?
    *Does he have business papers? registration? balance sheet?
    *How many employees?
    *Does he file tax return? How much does he show?
    *what is your visa status in US?


    • #3
      Peace - thnaks for your quick reply.. Here are the details

      *What is his income in India (roughly)?
      >> total turn over of around 30 lacks.. the income shown around 3.5 lacks or so per annum

      *Does he have business papers? registration? balance sheet?
      >> yes.. It's a Manufacturing Firm with excise .,, Also we got ISO 9001-certification..

      *How many employees?
      >> 10 employees

      *Does he file tax return? How much does he show?
      >> Yes --He files taxes every year from the begineeing. The firm is now 8 years old. Turnover is transperant as its an excise firm..(turnover around 30 lacks)

      *what is your visa status in US?
      >>> I am a permnent resident..

      Let me know for any additional data..

      Also do you sugget my sister in law to go for an interview?

      thanks ,


      • #4
        His business background is good but his income shown is not good.

        That is a very important question visa officers ask of everyone "what is your income" 3.5 lacs/yr is not a good answer for a businessman and may get a denial. He should show at least 10 lacs/yr and show self sponsorship for the family.

        A family visit sounds more natural but in that case, they will ask about children, who will take care of them while they are gone? If they can leave the elder one in care of some other relative, it could sound natural.

        Another option is your brother visiting for a business visit. Business visits are more seriously considered by the officers but he will have to work ; seek business clients in US, write to them , plan out a deal and again show good personal income in India.


        • #5
          Would trying to get VISA through Travel companies help in this case?

          Thanks in advance!


          • #6
            No. it would not help. What can the travel companies do to improve his "income" ?
            Disclaimer: The information you obtain from me at this forum is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for individual advice regarding your own situation.





