I have given a sponsor ship for a visitor to the usa. I am a US citizen and provided sponsorship to 3 persons entering the USA. I need to revoke/rescind my sponsorship. It is quite urgent because they have already gotten their visas and will be here in 3 or 4 days. Please help!? It is of utmost interest. These people are dangerous and cannot be trusted. How can I rescind their sponsorship that I did? I'm so sad that I did this. They will be a danger her in America.
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Revoke sponsorship
If you think that they may do physical harm to the general public, contact the FBI or the Department of Homeland Security. You should be able to find a listing in the telephone book at a nearby large city.
If you are in fear for your own safety, contact your local police non-emergency number or county/city courts for information about restraining orders.