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Visitor Visa question

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  • Visitor Visa question

    Visa rejected for my in-laws , how many days we need to wait for taking second appointment.

    Is it better to have canada visa before second appointment, can anyone please suggest

  • #2
    Ah! Tough luck ...

    ... to you and your family.

    You can apply within the month, however the situation or requirements need to be different.

    There must be a reason why the application was rejected. If this situation has changed then you can apply anytime. If not, then you're just trying your luck without any good chances of success.

    No, getting a Canadian visa will not help in this case.

    Good luck.


    • #3
      Visitor Visa rejected

      My in laws visa rejected due to low income, my father-in-law told only 1 lakh, but he filed tax last year as 2 L. he confused and he told only 1 lakh,
      VO : said your visa rejected due to low income.

      getting a Canadian visa will help for 2 nd time stamping.

      Can any one please suggest


      • #4
        Getting a Canadian visa has nothing to do with US visa unless the person travelled to Canada earlier and returned back to home country.

        I am not a lawyer and you need to consult with one to validate any info posted on the forum and discuss your case specifics. H1b Question? Read the FAQ first.


        • #5
          Even 2 laksh or 200,000 Indian rupees ...

          ... income per year may not be sufficient enough for the visa.


          Take care.


          • #6
            Visitor visa rejected

            Due to taxes purposes they are showing only 2 Lakhs, but they will get actual income is 6 Lakhs and they have property around 1 crore, can they get affidavit from lawyer their income is 6 lakhs and all the property details.
            They have land their income started on land from this year only. Last year income tax doesn't have their land income. Can we include all these things in affidavit. Can you please suggest.


            • #7
              Since the reason of rejection was income, they will again see what documents do you have on income. And they might question why ony 1 lakh on income tax filing and 6 lakhs + 1 crore on affidavit + whatever additional you are showing???

              I remember a member posting here some time ago with the same case history. Took affidavit showing income of Rs. 14 Lakhs and was showing Rs 50,000 in icnome tax filing. He was questioned about the difference and he coolly said that people generally do this in India to escape from high taxes, with a smile. The officer's answer was even better: "Sorry your visa is rejected because you might goto the US and engage in similar fraudelent activities."


              • #8
                Visitor Visa rejected

                If the visa is rejected with low income what we have to do now ?

                If the invitation letter is showing the date as june 20th. How long that is valid, if we take appointment in aug last week, still can we use the june 20th invitation letters or do we need to send new letters.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by swarnamt
                  If the visa is rejected with low income what we have to do now ?

                  If the invitation letter is showing the date as june 20th. How long that is valid, if we take appointment in aug last week, still can we use the june 20th invitation letters or do we need to send new letters.
                  You have still not explained the Tax Evasion situation...
                  Disclaimer: The information you obtain from me at this forum is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for individual advice regarding your own situation.


                  • #10
                    Visitor interview Question

                    My inlaws filed last year income tax as 1,50,000 , this year their income raised thru rents & from land they are getting around 6 lakhs, how to show this what is the best way. Please help us this situation.





