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can we get the passport on the same day

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  • can we get the passport on the same day

    My parents got their tourist visa but as they willnot be intown from the same day they had requested if they can get the passport the same day. It seems people who went after them got thier passport. Is it possible to get it the same day.

  • #2
    Depends on how busy the consulate is and which consulate the interview was at. In some, if the interview was during the morning session, one can collect the PP later in the evening at VFS office.

    In either case, it is a matter of 2 days delivery by the courier service which isn't a big deal unless it is an emergency travel situation.

    I am not a lawyer and you need to consult with one to validate any info posted on the forum and discuss your case specifics. H1b Question? Read the FAQ first.


    • #3
      Originally posted by txh1b
      Depends on how busy the consulate is and which consulate the interview was at. In some, if the interview was during the morning session, one can collect the PP later in the evening at VFS office.

      In either case, it is a matter of 2 days delivery by the courier service which isn't a big deal unless it is an emergency travel situation.
      They has the interview on oct 21st morning around 7:30 at the chennai consolate and had booked thier tkts to us for oct 22nd.When they wentto the VFS office in chennai on tuesday around 2 pm .They didnot recive the passport.

      they were people after my parents and they got it the same day. I should say it was illluck.

      can they request quoting some reason....what reason could they give to get it atleast by wednesday....what i am surprised is that even the VFS office has not recived it .yet


      • #4
        It was bad planning on your part to book the tickets so soon after the appointment. There is no room for any expedite requests and just waiting is the only option.

        VFS office need not get it the same day. It could be as laste as 2 days after the interview depending on the rush. I have learnt it the hard way.

        I am not a lawyer and you need to consult with one to validate any info posted on the forum and discuss your case specifics. H1b Question? Read the FAQ first.


        • #5
          Originally posted by txh1b
          It was bad planning on your part to book the tickets so soon after the appointment. There is no room for any expedite requests and just waiting is the only option.

          VFS office need not get it the same day. It could be as laste as 2 days after the interview depending on the rush. I have learnt it the hard way.
          yep thanks again for your immedite response.


          • #6
            At the time of interview, one could request the VO for a quicker turnaround for visa stamp and they will accomodate reasonable requests.

            But for a visitor visa, I don't think there is an urgency. For a work visa or related ones, it could work some times provided the visa is granted. We learned this during the mad rush for AOS filings in 2007 as it was hard to postpone the plane tickets with low availability of seats if the PP did not get to us on time. But our request was not accomodated.

            I am not a lawyer and you need to consult with one to validate any info posted on the forum and discuss your case specifics. H1b Question? Read the FAQ first.





