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typical duration of stay granted at POE for visitor visa

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  • typical duration of stay granted at POE for visitor visa


    My sister will be visiting me. She was initially planning to stay only for 3 weeks, hence she mentioned that in her DS156 when she had applied for visa.
    And accordingly also had a letter from the employer that she would be rejoining at so and so date.

    I have been trying to convince her to come for 4-5 weeks rather than only 3 weeks. Now she has agreed to come for longer.

    But i am concerned if the fact that she had mentioned 3 weeks in the form and during the interview, would be a problem at POE.

    Do officers at POE give entry only for the applied period?
    If so, can she try to talk to the officer and tell that her plans changes and she wants to stay for 5 weeks instead?

    Are there any issues with changing the duration of stay from what was conveyed during the interview by couple weeks?

    Any insight into this will help Thanks a lot!

  • #2
    So the idea ...

    ... was to just somehow get the visa by claiming she wants to visit for 3 weeks only.

    Now since she got the visa, you all show you original intentions of her actually wanting to stay for a longer period of time.

    Unfortunately, at the POE in most cases they will give her six or three months of stay irrespective of what has been mentioned in the main application.

    Take care.





