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visitor visa rejected

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  • visitor visa rejected

    my parents went for visitor visa interview. it got rejected. here is the stituation.

    i use my surname choudhary and also with my father name in my documents. but my father doesn't use surmane. so my father's passport doesn't have surname, but my passport has his name with surname.

    in iterview they asked why is that different. I am sending them again with affitavite

    what should i do? can any one help me?

  • #2
    Most probable ...

    ... cause of rejection would have been insufficient ties to the home country and not the mis-match of surnames/last names. Unless of course the VO clearly mentioned that he/she was rejecting the application because you do not have the same last names, which is unlikely anyway.

    You need to show very strong ties to the home country. Go through the forums using advance search.

    Good luck.


    • #3
      well , affidavit will do. still ,make sure u get legal advice.


      • #4
        Did it work with the affidavit? I have the same situation and need to apply B2 for my parents.
        Last edited by Sachinch21; 03-15-2009, 10:48 AM.





