I have come to know that fees for visitors' visa is collected in advance by us
authority. As per the laid down procedure applicant has to deposit eqal amount of indian currency against Doller in athorised branch of HDFC bank and obtain receipt. US authority decide the amount of indian currency against Doller in Advance. When actual exchange rate is different. For example current rate of Rs is 54 per doller for depositing fees. When prevailing rate is about Rs 47/- to 48/- and hence every indian applicant has to pay Rs 6 to 7 more against Doller. Here we suggest that HDFC bank may please be authorised to collect the fee in indian Rupees as per market exchange rate of previous day which is known to bank. So every applicant may not have to pay more fee or alternatively he should be allowed to pay in doller by obtaining draft in dollers from any approved bank.
authority. As per the laid down procedure applicant has to deposit eqal amount of indian currency against Doller in athorised branch of HDFC bank and obtain receipt. US authority decide the amount of indian currency against Doller in Advance. When actual exchange rate is different. For example current rate of Rs is 54 per doller for depositing fees. When prevailing rate is about Rs 47/- to 48/- and hence every indian applicant has to pay Rs 6 to 7 more against Doller. Here we suggest that HDFC bank may please be authorised to collect the fee in indian Rupees as per market exchange rate of previous day which is known to bank. So every applicant may not have to pay more fee or alternatively he should be allowed to pay in doller by obtaining draft in dollers from any approved bank.