Yesterday my mom got 10 years visa at chennai consulate.
Thanks a lot for this site to give such detailed information and clearing all doubts/questions.
The questions asked were :
1. Who are there in USA ?
2. What is your husband doing ?
3. What is your husband's post ?
4. How much salary your husband is getting ?
5. How long do want visa ? (This time she said 3 months)
Once again thanks a lot for admin of this site.
Yesterday my mom got 10 years visa at chennai consulate.
Thanks a lot for this site to give such detailed information and clearing all doubts/questions.
The questions asked were :
1. Who are there in USA ?
2. What is your husband doing ?
3. What is your husband's post ?
4. How much salary your husband is getting ?
5. How long do want visa ? (This time she said 3 months)
Once again thanks a lot for admin of this site.