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Surname in passport is blank...Help

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  • Surname in passport is blank...Help


    "Applying for Visitor visa"..
    In my MIL's passport,only "given name" is specified but the surname field is blank..:| Will there be any problem if she does'nt have a surname? or do we have to change the name in passport?
    Really worried about this:\ ...Any info would be great..Does anyone got the visa who did not have surname in their passport?..

    Thank u

  • #2
    That's fine. You can write 'LNU' in the surname field or even if you don't do that, they will write that in the visa.

    LNU means Last Name Unknown.

    Good luck.

    Before she comes to US, consider buying visitor medical insurance for her, available for instant purchase at www.immihelp.com/insurance
    Immihelp Support
    No legal advice. Use at your own risk.

    Visa and Greencard Tracker

    Visitor Medical Insurance for your visiting relatives.


    • #3
      Thanks for a quick reply...and also for the info..
      But will it create any problem in US ? i mean when they stamp the passport in the US airport?..


      • #4
        No problem.
        Immihelp Support
        No legal advice. Use at your own risk.

        Visa and Greencard Tracker

        Visitor Medical Insurance for your visiting relatives.


        • #5
          wrong surname

          Originally posted by immihelp
          No problem.

          Last edited by sgopalraju; 12-20-2009, 03:34 AM.


          • #6
            You mean to say ...

            ... that your passport application has the wrong surname (last name as it's referred to in United States).

            You do know that the passport is the most important and most honored picture identification you can ever have.

            Considering this, you do the math.

            Take care.


            • #7
              hi. my name is gagandeep singh. my surname is missing in my passport and sponsership letter from the usa. bt my surname is present in all the other certificates. will it create any problem in my visa interview ? what precautions should i take ? m applying for usa travel visa.. plz help asap


              • #8
                surname field is blank in passport

                I am also going to face the same problem. "Applying L2 visa for my family”

                I'm in USA now.

                In my second daughter passport,only "given name" is specified but the surname field is blank. I have written 'LNU' in the surname field when fill DS160 form.
                In my first daughter passport, has both "given name" and surname.
                Will there be any problem if she doesn’t have a surname? or do we have to change the name in passport?
                Really worried about this?...Any info would be great..Does anyone got the visa who did not have surname in their passport?..







