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Visit visa B1/b2 , could you help me

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  • Visit visa B1/b2 , could you help me


    my visa refused due to 214 b , after i told the officer that my son born in us befor two years when we were in us visiting my sister and he had american passport. he did not check my strong supporting documents.

    i need to know whats the link between 214 b and my son born there[/B]

    - what i have to do next interview with the officer when he asked me why your previouse visa denied

  • #2
    officers KNOW why your previous visa was denied, they all ALL the information regarding your previous visa application in his computer.

    You going to the USA to deliver a child, was a bad idea... it shows that you want to establish ties in the USA and when you were denied this time it all came together (USC child, sister living in US, little ties to your country).

    Unless you can show more ties to your home country, re-applying is a waste of time. It is not like a driving test where you can take it again the next day and maybe pass...
    Disclaimer: The information you obtain from me at this forum is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for individual advice regarding your own situation.


    • #3
      Visa b1/b2 denied due to 214 b

      kindly note that i have very strong ties to my resident country(banks deposits, shares, bank statmnets, salary certificate, properties under my name, cars,...) but after he knows thats my son born in us befor two years whil we were in trip he refused it due to 214 b.

      so what i have to do nexxt interview to support my case


      • #4
        Section 214(b) is part of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). It states:

        "Every alien shall be presumed to be an immigrant until he establishes to the satisfaction of the consular officer, at the time of application for admission, that he is entitled to a nonimmigrant status... "

        You have used your previous visitor visa to establish immigrant ties to the US by having your child be born in the US. You have thus proved you are a prospective immigrant and that is your long term goal.

        Therefore your intent for any future visit is always going to be always in doubt.

        And I doubt if there is any social/economic tie you can provide that is going to change that.
        Last edited by smohanty; 05-17-2009, 08:12 PM.


        • #5
          visa denied due to 214 (b)


          could you advise me if we have to reapply our application seperatly my wife first and my application after 6 month





