My sister and brother in law applied for visitor visa ( that have huge businness in India & not bring their 2 kids with them) and they got rejected (9th June Delhi). They applied for English language but my sister english is not very good and when officer asked her question and english with accent, she couldnt understand very well and got panic and didnt answers very well.
Officer asked her questions about her business and she could not answer. She can do much better if some one ask her questions in Hindi and these time we will prepare her better
. I know they should not have applied for english at first place but my brother in law knows english so they thought they can manage but officer asked most of the questions from my sister..anyways....
Should we retry in next 10 days with Hindi or we should wait for next year ? because July month is the only time they can come ...because thats off season for their business.
Officer asked her questions about her business and she could not answer. She can do much better if some one ask her questions in Hindi and these time we will prepare her better

Should we retry in next 10 days with Hindi or we should wait for next year ? because July month is the only time they can come ...because thats off season for their business.