I want to thank immihelp for the this website. Without the information from this website , we would have been clueless.
Here are some info from their interview.
This is the first time they applied for. My father is 63 yrs and my mother is 59 yrs old. So we had to take appointment for an interview. I took the web appt on Oct 30th and got the first date as Dec 1st in regional language. They are coming because I am pregnant, but did not mention this anywhere.
We prepared all the documents according to the information from this website. My parent's travel agent just added a cover letter on top of that.
The scheduled time for interview was at 10.30. They entered the consulate 15 minutes earlier. Gave the TTServices service fee at the first counter. Second counter , they were asked for application fee and documents. They gave the complete folder and the lady took the ones she needed and gave back others. Gave a token to them for the interview.According to my mother, they did not even look at the property statements!
But they had to wait till 2.30 pm for the actual interview as they needed a malayalam translator. They were asked only 3 questions.
1. How long were daughter staying in US?
2. How come you did not go before ?
They said they wanted to retire comfortably before thinking about it.
3. What is the relationship between you too ? (!)
Then he said visa is been sanctioned, pay the issuance fee.
They had the interview on Dec 1, got the passport on Dec 4th.
Thanks again immihelp.
Here are some info from their interview.
This is the first time they applied for. My father is 63 yrs and my mother is 59 yrs old. So we had to take appointment for an interview. I took the web appt on Oct 30th and got the first date as Dec 1st in regional language. They are coming because I am pregnant, but did not mention this anywhere.
We prepared all the documents according to the information from this website. My parent's travel agent just added a cover letter on top of that.
The scheduled time for interview was at 10.30. They entered the consulate 15 minutes earlier. Gave the TTServices service fee at the first counter. Second counter , they were asked for application fee and documents. They gave the complete folder and the lady took the ones she needed and gave back others. Gave a token to them for the interview.According to my mother, they did not even look at the property statements!
But they had to wait till 2.30 pm for the actual interview as they needed a malayalam translator. They were asked only 3 questions.
1. How long were daughter staying in US?
2. How come you did not go before ?
They said they wanted to retire comfortably before thinking about it.
3. What is the relationship between you too ? (!)
Then he said visa is been sanctioned, pay the issuance fee.
They had the interview on Dec 1, got the passport on Dec 4th.
Thanks again immihelp.