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wrong date in DS 156 form

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  • wrong date in DS 156 form

    I've submitted DS156 forms for both my parents and the appointment is day after tomorrow. I just realized on one of the forms, I have entered the wrong year (last visit to the US). Instead of entering 1998, I have entered 2009. I tried to update the application form online, but doesnt allow any updates two days prior to the appt date.

    Can I have my parents manually update the form while attending the interview? I hope I don't have to cancel and take a new appt.

    Please help

  • #2
    Look at "Modification of submitted forms" at https://www.immihelp.com/usa-visas/v...-usa-visa.html
    Immihelp Support
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    Visitor Medical Insurance for your visiting relatives.


    • #3
      But the field that I have in question is box.29.
      (Have you been to the U.S? and When?)

      I guess, I'll just have to get this corrected at the consulate on the date of interview (?)

      I just hope it is not going to pose a problem with the interview or the outcome.


      • #4
        It will not pose any problem. Please inform VFS personnel/VO at the time of interview and they will correct the mistake manually.
        Good luck





