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Is there any limit on max. number of persons can be sponsered for B2 Visa

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  • Is there any limit on max. number of persons can be sponsered for B2 Visa

    I have been working in USA since July '08 on H1b Visa . I am married and have one kid . I want to sponsor few of my relatives (3) . Who are willing to visit USA and stay for few days with us .

    My question is , Is there any cap on the total number of People one can sponsor for B2 Visa ?

    Will my current sponsorship for above 3 relatives affect in any case my ability to sponger B2 visa for my parents ( or any other relatives) in future ?

    Expecting your help.
    Last edited by PMM; 08-24-2009, 03:15 PM. Reason: Typo Errors

  • #2
    There is no limit set as rules. But you must however be financially sound to support all of them and provide proof of such income. For each I-134 you fill out you'll have to declare on the the form about how many people you have already sponsored prior to that sponsorship.


    • #3
      Thanks for your reply Orian.

      So, for each person that I sponsor now or in future. I have show my enough Bank Balance around 5k $ per each person . So this time when I am sponsoring 3 relatives, I have to show approx 15 k $ balance in Saving Bank Account .
      Suppose after a year when I sponsor my parents, I have to show around 25 K balance in Saving Bank Account .

      Although, I 'll not have all of them together in USA at one point of time. However , from VO's perspective Will above proof of Bank Balance and Salary stubs , Employer's letter form a good evidence to prove my Sound financial status?


      • #4
        The exact amount is also not set in law. But the amount you mentioned should work fine.





