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10 year multiple entry approval!

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  • 10 year multiple entry approval!

    My dad who used the dropbox got his 10 year approval by mail today. A little history on us...
    My dad is 60 and wheelchair bound and my mom is 57. They planned to use the dropbox together but TTS refused to take my mom's application since she was under 60. In any case we wanted to avoid my dad making the trip to chennai since neither Hyd or chennai are handicap accesible. So my dad's application went via mail and in the hurry of sorting papers out to remove my mom's, they didnt take our the affidavit of support for my mom. Also, our invitation letters were addressed to both my parents together. We had serious doubts that my dad would get an approval with all the paper work being a little confusing..but he got it back today with a 10 year stamp. Now my mom has to go to Chennai to apply in person. Any thoughts on what reason she should give for applying seperatly? We did not mention my dad's handicap with his application.
    I'd like to add that this site was extremely helpful in getting the paperwork together. I'm sure that was a major factor in my dad's approval.

  • #2

    Congrats for your Dad's visa approval. May I know when did you apply and how long it took to receive it from drop box...

    I think in your case your mom can tell Father is mother than 60 so that he applied through dropbox..Did you already booked the appointment date?

    All the best.


    • #3
      Dad's approval

      My dad used the dropbox exactly 2 weeks ago. He received it in the mail today.





