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best idea for sponsoring my mother , sister and brother.

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  • best idea for sponsoring my mother , sister and brother.

    Hello everybody,

    I am on H1 B visa. I live alone. I want to sponsor my family to US on visitor visa.
    Based on your previous experience please suggest me the best idea for sponsoring my mother, sister and brother.

    I am little confused about below comments:

    A) Some people are saying is not good idea to send altogether(Mother, Sis and bro) for the interview!!

    B) Some are saying individual interview is best for them!!

    C) Some said if officer didn't want to give visa to any person, he will also reject other people with them!!....how far it is true?

    Any suggestions and answers will be appreciate!

  • #2
    All of the above are true.

    I am not a lawyer and you need to consult with one to validate any info posted on the forum and discuss your case specifics. H1b Question? Read the FAQ first.


    • #3
      The consulate sees all visa applicants as prospective immigrants.

      So any body applying for a visitor visa needs to provide very strong evidence of their economic (a substantial income and assets) and social ties (spouse or minor children) to their home country in order to prove their intent to return.

      If your whole family applies together what evidence will they provide of their social ties to their home country? Also consider what kind of economic ties will they show if you happen to be earning more than all of them put together.

      If they all apply together, what evidence can they provide to prove that they are not interested in living permanently in the US?


      • #4

        My parents and my younger sister got visitor visa today at chennai embassy.
        My sister is single and completed her undergrad 18 moths back. She has been working since then.

        They went together for the interview and during the interview my sister was told that she will be interviewed separately after the parents.

        My parents were asked about the tax statements and yearly income.

        After my parents interview my sister was asked about her job and salary details. She was also asked if she is married and nothing else.

        My parents had the business papers, property documents to show as proof of ties to India. My sister had only her employment papers and bank statement as the only ties to India.

        visa is granted to all of them but not sure for how long. I hope it is for 10 years.

        good luck.





