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passport returned without VISA

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  • passport returned without VISA

    My mother, aged 65, applied for a visitor visa (first time, sponsored) with all the required documents. However, her pasport and some of the supporting documents were returned to her along with the Rs. 2300 visa fee DD. There is absolutely no marking on the passport that the VISA was rejected, or any thing else of that sort. There was no letter or notice indicating as to what was missing, or what needs to be done further. I am at a loss as to what needs to be done now. I will call TT Services in Chennai (this is where she dropped off her application). Is there any thing else I could do to poursue this matter further?

    Thanks in advance,

  • #2
    Nothing other than calling TTS.

    Is there any marking that says the date when visa application was received?
    Immihelp Support
    No legal advice. Use at your own risk.

    Visa and Greencard Tracker

    Visitor Medical Insurance for your visiting relatives.


    • #3
      more info

      Upon contacting TT Services, we were told that my mother needs to appear in person for an interview. I wonder what kind of questions they need to ask a 65 year old woman travelling alone to the united states! Her entire family (my father, my elder brother & family, my elder sister & family, all her brothers, sisters & other relatives), except for me, live in India. I had mentioned all these details in my covering letter to the US Consulate which was submitted along with the aplication and a ton of other supporting documents and affidavits. I will update again when there is any progress.


      • #4
        Re: more info

        Not much we can do. It is their wish.

        Read https://www.immihelp.com/usa-visas/visitor to get more idea to prepare for the interview.
        Immihelp Support
        No legal advice. Use at your own risk.

        Visa and Greencard Tracker

        Visitor Medical Insurance for your visiting relatives.


        • #5
          TTSVISAS.COM web based appointment - any recourse?

          UPDATE: I went through the process of setting up an appointment through TTSVISAS.COM website. However, I could get appointment only on July 8! There appears to be no other recourse to this website, except making a special appeal and applying in the north (Mumbai or Delhi), which is not possible in my case. Is there any way an earlier appointment can be fixed? I have heard suggestions that a personal handwritten fax to the US Colsulate may speed up things. TTSVISAS office staff are helpful but will not help in advancing the appointment date. All they have to offer us is advice that we keep trying on their website for a better date. At this rate, by the time my mother visits us, most of the summer will be over :-(


          • #6
            query to sailesh

            Hi sailesh,
            thanks for info on drop box. did u submit originals or copies thro drop box? because you may need them again in interview right? or is it that u dont need to take anymore documents that are already submitted thro drop box. thanks for the reply.


            • #7
              Re: TTSVISAS.COM web based appointment - any recourse?

              Yes, only thing you can do is keep trying on ttsvisas.com for better date in case someone cancels their appointment.
              Immihelp Support
              No legal advice. Use at your own risk.

              Visa and Greencard Tracker

              Visitor Medical Insurance for your visiting relatives.


              • #8
                update: GOOD NEWS

                Here is an update.

                My mother went for her interview on June 1, and got her VISA. They asked her these questions ...

                q. why are you travelling alone?
                a. my husband is busy, and may join me later

                q. where does your son live
                a. .......

                q. where does he work
                a. .........

                q. what does yor husband do
                a. retired and doing business

                q. why do you want to go in June?
                a. i want to go during the summer.

                We are waiting for her passport to arrive, to see if it is multple entry or single entry visa :-)


                • #9
                  documents submitted

                  The main application, affidavit, bank letter, bank statements and some other documents (my covering letter, etc) were originals. My tax records, paychecks, etc were copies. When we used the drop box, all documents, except the application, were returned. My mother had a photocopy of all documents, just in case. When she went for personal interview, she used the same documents that were returned.

                  I have a suggestion for those of you who are using the drop box. While at it, also fix a web appointment for personal interview. If drop box works, then you may cancel the personal interview appointment. If you wait for drop box resuls before making personal interview appointment, you may have to wait for a long time!


                  • #10
                    Re: documents submitted

                    Did you have to pay the application fee ($100=INR) again when your mom went for the interview ?





