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Parents visa rejected once - re-applying. Need guidance

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  • Parents visa rejected once - re-applying. Need guidance


    My father is a businessman. They had all the documents with them including properly estimates in India and return affidavits.

    At consulate all (not many) question were asked to my mother. There was one question specific she was asked -
    Q. So are you going there for 1-2 months?
    A. My mother answered - "No, 3-4 months".

    The interviewer then looked my parents skeptically and rejected bothe parents visa. He did not check any document at all.

    This all had happened in last week of aug09.

    I want to reapply for their visa and I am scared what if it happens again.
    Questions I have are:

    Q1 - Would it make any difference applying their visa separately?
    Q2 - If yes, then I would like to apply for my mother's visa first.
    Q3 - if no and they are asked what has been changed since last time your visa got rejected then what should be their answer?

    In the response of Q3 can they say - We have property papers and affidavit this time! Lat time consulate did not look at those papers.

  • #2

    I would suggest you to apply for your mother first. Give specific date for your mothers travel and specific duration like 3 months. Dont give any range.

    Change the reason as "Pleasure and to stay with my SON". If they ask last time what was the reason to reject your visa say "Dont Know".

    This time only change is ....mother only going to US.

    Once she gets her Visa..then your father can try. I did the same for my parents after their 1st rejection. Both of them got visa now.

    Hope this helps.
    Last edited by iitramesh123; 11-06-2009, 04:40 PM.


    • #3
      Parents visa rejected - how long to wait for reapplying

      Hi iitramesh123,

      How long you waited for 2nd appoinment for your mother and father? My parents also got rejected and they were not asked for any of the documents. We are not aware of the reason of rejection, what they were given was just a booklet mentioning 214 (b).


      Originally posted by iitramesh123 View Post
      I would suggest you to apply for your mother first. Give specific date for your mothers travel and specific duration like 3 months. Dont give any range.

      Change the reason as "Pleasure and to stay with my SON". If they ask last time what was the reason to reject your visa say "Dont Know".

      This time only change is ....mother only going to US.

      Once she gets her Visa..then your father can try. I did the same for my parents after their 1st rejection. Both of them got visa now.

      Hope this helps.





