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related question for CBP

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  • related question for CBP

    we are first timer in US. i just want to know what is the possible question upon arriving in the US? what is the common question by CBP?
    and also if they stamp for 3 months the duration of our vacation in form I-94 can we leave the USA less than 3 months (e.g. 2 months only). there will be no problem for that?

    hope u answer my question.

  • #2
    For a first time visitor, normally, the following questions are asked.
    1. Why did you come to USA?
    2. With whom will you be staying?
    3. How long will you be staying?
    On satisfactory answers, normally a 6 months stay is granted.
    If by chance they are given only 3 months stay, gladly accept the same and ask them to leave USA just 10 days before the expiry of I 94 stamped date.
    This will facilitate a smooth entry when they visit USA next.
    Good Luck.





