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DS 160 Clarity on Occupation type for stay at home father

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  • DS 160 Clarity on Occupation type for stay at home father

    Hi - I am a student, and my parents are applying for US B2 visa to visit me, and need help in filling my father's occupation. Given below context, what is the right occupation type to fill in DS 160?
    My father got suspended from his last job (and has filed a case against employer for unfair evaluation and judgement is in his favour but final documentation is under process).
    In the interim for last few years, he has been taking care of home.
    My mother runs a business and will be sponsoring the trip for both of them (has sufficient account balance and monthly income).
    Both of them are well travelled and have visited several countries (incl. Europe, Australia) in past 5 years.

    Q1 - Is male homemaker an acceptable for VO?
    Q2 - What are others professional type that they may fill? Is retired an appropriate option for this?




