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I got refuse visa today.

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  • I got refuse visa today.

    Hi all friends and Immihelp.
    I just got refuse visa on B2 type.

    Consular: They had asked me that do i still remember how long have i had request for the visa last time ?
    Me : Yes for three weeks,but i had stayed over three weeks in U.S and i had stayed about 6 months but not pass the date on the expire date on my visa.

    Consular : Then why i lied to them that i'm gonna stay for only three weeks.
    Me : I wasn't lie because i was thinking that 3 weeks would be enought for me at that time but during on the winter time to travel is was hard and i have many family that live in different states to visited.so it was taken me for 4 months to done then i got the problem with the ticket to come home .so i have to send my ticket to the main office to let them change for me. so it was taken me for a month .

    Consular: this is ur excuse . for six months to whom working in this country and now u won't get any ur job back.
    Me : I am working with my own family businese that's why i still can work with them.

    Consular : what is ur father do ?
    Me : He is an engineering of hydro power of ........ company

    Consular : I know but engineering has many engineering .what is enginnering about ?
    Me : Survey and landing the electronic and blah blah blah.....

    Consular : is he employee in the businese ?
    me : He is Manager

    Then consular just give me field and said sorry. He said i had lie to them about last time he said i been there for work.
    But i didn't work and didn't mean to lie to them .or just say i didn't lie to them but this is wrong ? that i take long to visited my family ? I been U.S 3 times and i never want to lied,i was telling the consular that i have a ticket that i still have from my last trip.I asked him if he would like to see or not ? Then he just say No to me.

    What do i do ? I just want to go visit my friends my family and I wanna go ceremony new year that coming soon on this Apirl. I just want to go and see and looked for school for my younger sister before she going to granduate next year and see which school is good for her. I know if i refuse this time and next time will be harder for me to get my visa. I just want to prove all my document to consular to see but they won't give me a chance.i never lied to them and i know they won't listen to me.but i just don't like when he said that i lie to them because i never want to lie i just want to go and i never want to break a u.s law.
    but i just dispoint it alot

  • #2
    In your earlier postings you have asked this forum about whether visitors can apply for immigrant visa, whether same sex people can marry and be sponsored for immigrant visa, whether visitors can work, have mentioned that you applied for green card lotteries and tried to explain how a 3 week visit took 6 months to complete because it was winter.

    The fact is you DO appear to have immigrant intent and the visa officer picked up on that correctly.

    Frankly, did you think that the visa officer would not find out about your green card lottery? Did you seriously think anybody will believe you when you say that missed flights due to winter cold led to a 3 week trip to be extended to 4 months?


    • #3
      Originally posted by smohanty View Post
      In your earlier postings you have asked this forum about whether visitors can apply for immigrant visa, whether same sex people can marry and be sponsored for immigrant visa, whether visitors can work, have mentioned that you applied for green card lotteries and tried to explain how a 3 week visit took 6 months to complete because it was winter.

      The fact is you DO appear to have immigrant intent and the visa officer picked up on that correctly.

      Frankly, did you think that the visa officer would not find out about your green card lottery? Did you seriously think anybody will believe you when you say that missed flights due to winter cold led to a 3 week trip to be extended to 4 months?

      Ok about same sex married is for my friends not for me and i have post that i am asking for my friend not for me. About greencard lottery . if he asked me i will tell him the true that i had submit for it because i didn't do nothing wrong. If was wrong why the U.S government have it out right ? Or i was wrong?
      During on 4 months because i have many relative such as uncle and antie who live in different state and when i went to visit them . it took me right a month to spent the time and so i could go to another state.
      I been to U.S three time and only last time that i just didn't make a right date to come back. and this is been long time that i have not meet them since the first time i went to visited U.S . Plus i didn't break any U.S law . When i was walk in to the interview room and the first question is like what i had wrote it down with like he's just yall at me something / i mean like he asked me like loud question. So i didn;t really like with what he just said to me. If i did wrong then why just tell me nicely that they just can't let me go .why have to yall at me. If i wanna work in U.S why just be illigal right? why i have to come back to my country ? I been to many country like canada ,france , Australia , Thai , Vietnam , Laos , China and Malay . They just told me that i lied to them because i have work over there ? if so i will do it long time ago . I just don't get it .





