I have been looking on your site to try and see what exactly I need to have my friend come to visit me here. Do I need the same forms that Indians living here need?
My friend also has his own business, bank accounts and will buy his own airline ticket but will stay with me while here.
As well, I am self-employed but work seasonally for several employers. DO I need a letter from each of these employers?
Should I mention that he has a wife back home so is not at risk of staying here? because of this as well?
I would like to be efficient as possible and to know if he can get started on the VISA on his end with only my invitation letter and a letter to the Consulate?
Thank you kindly
I have been looking on your site to try and see what exactly I need to have my friend come to visit me here. Do I need the same forms that Indians living here need?
My friend also has his own business, bank accounts and will buy his own airline ticket but will stay with me while here.
As well, I am self-employed but work seasonally for several employers. DO I need a letter from each of these employers?
Should I mention that he has a wife back home so is not at risk of staying here? because of this as well?
I would like to be efficient as possible and to know if he can get started on the VISA on his end with only my invitation letter and a letter to the Consulate?
Thank you kindly