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Mother's visa got rejected. Please help

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  • #16
    Hi I have one question

    1. Is it possible to appeal the decision made by the consular officer regarding my mother's B1/B2 Visa. My mother got rejected under clause 214B. If re appealing is possible, how successful will it be and if rejected for re-appealing, will it have an effect on my mother's interview during the second time.


    • #17
      Pls make sure she has No Objection Certificate (NOC) from BSNL. NOC, Payslip and the employment letter of BSNL will help her a lot.


      • #18
        This topic is being discussed in another thread and this post should be merged with that.


        • #19
          She had all these documents before, but she was not able to show it.

          I have one question

          1. Is it possible to appeal the decision made by the consular officer regarding my mother's B1/B2 Visa. My mother got rejected under clause 214B. If re appealing is possible, how successful will it be and if rejected for re-appealing, will it have an effect on my mother's interview during the second time.


          • #20
            There is no provision of appeal ..

            However one can always request for re-consideration.


            • #21
              How to do it?


              My widow mother's visa also got rejected twice under 214(b). She was also not able to show any documents two times. Could you please explain how do we request for reconsideration?



              • #22
                My Father visa also got rejected

                My widow father's visa also got rejected. The consular did not even bothered to look at DS-156 form. His only questions were:

                Purpose of your visit?
                Father: Tourism and to visit my son

                How many childre do you have?
                Father: 2 sons. One in USA and other working in software company in India.

                What do you do?
                Father: I am a retired person earning pension

                Why do you look tired?
                Father: I was waiting in the waiting area for about 4 hours that is why I am tired

                CONSULAR : Visa is rejected under 214(b)

                This is ridiculous. I do not kow how do the consular just jump into conclusion that the applicant is a potential immigrant without even looking at any documents. I know many people are going to reply that he is a professional and he has seen hundreds of cases and he knows. I do not agree. He is no god - whereby looking at a person he can guess that he is a potential immigrant. This is just a way of probably earning $100 from the applicant. I am really frustated.



                • #23
                  Well, I would think the real reason would be 'if the person is tired sitting in waiting area for 4 hours, how will he manage to travel to US, which can be as long as 35-40 hours travel? And how will he really tour the country, where most of the tourist places require lot of walking? Therefore, this person must not be interested in touring actually.'

                  This is my conclusion. And don't blame me that I don't want your father to be here. I wish as more and more people get visa. I am just trying to analyze the situation from what you posted.
                  Immihelp Support
                  No legal advice. Use at your own risk.

                  Visa and Greencard Tracker

                  Visitor Medical Insurance for your visiting relatives.


                  • #24
                    I am not sure that makes too much sense - the reasoning that one's ability to wait in a waiting room for 4 hours is somehow related to one's ability to travel is absurd. I am surprised such a post has come from the Immihelp administrator.
                    I, as I am sure many others, are looking for real/practical advice on why a B1 visa has been rejected for my widowed mother and how one may re-apply successfully. I am hoping that, with your resources and experience, you can provide much better direction.


                    • #25

                      Many times, there is no apparent rhyme or reason why visa was rejected.

                      From a limited information that is posted ramesh01, that is one of the possibilities that I could think of. Of course, real reason can absolutely be something else, but how can we find that out? How do we know what was going on in consular officer's mind at that time? We are just discussing possibilities here. And of course, no one knows the accurate answer for sure in this case.

                      As per widow mother, the problem would be lack of enough ties to home country. If you can show some sold ties such as continous stream of revenue (could be interest income, pension, investment income or any other business/job income), that would certainly be helpful. If she has other dependents to take care of, show that. If she has any property/assets in her name (or still late father's name), show that.
                      Immihelp Support
                      No legal advice. Use at your own risk.

                      Visa and Greencard Tracker

                      Visitor Medical Insurance for your visiting relatives.


                      • #26
                        Why..what is the reason ?!!

                        Just kind of wondering why you people mentioned that your mother is a widow. The form doesn't ask whether husband is alive or not? Why not just say he is alive and working and she is coming to USA to visit. Just kind of wondering...


                        • #27
                          Don't ever lie. You have to tell the truth, absolutely.
                          Immihelp Support
                          No legal advice. Use at your own risk.

                          Visa and Greencard Tracker

                          Visitor Medical Insurance for your visiting relatives.


                          • #28
                            I totally understand...but...

                            I know I have to tell the truth ABSOLUTELY. All my process, I have told the truth because there is nothing to lie about. I did masters and came here on H1 through a reputed company..worked...produced all evident documents and got green card. I strongly recommend to tell the truth in your process to become permanent resident or citizen or even to come to unites states.
                            Having said that, take the situation here. The guy who wants to sponsor his mother and definetly knows that she is not going to stay here in USA because of the ties she got with her country. He knows it but the consulate don't know. They go by the documents and the situation. Even dumb consular will reject the visa for your mother if he/she knows that 1. she has got no other sons/daughters (unmarried) staying in India. 2. her husband is not alive. 3. She doesn't have any property or land (even if she does what's the big deal. She can sell them). In this situation she gets rejected if she tells the truth...but there is a chance if she doesn't. Why not take the chance is all my question is about. Again please dont my suggestion and act. This is purely for discussion purpose only.





