Before anything, thanks to immihelp.com for such a magnificent service and support for the community.
I'm from India.
I have my own business of IT services and product distribution.
Have current accounts in 3 banks.
I am married and we have one kid, he's 2.5 years old.
I hold no property in my name.
I'm living with my parents, as joint family.
I want to tour USA alone leaving my family here in India. Will take my family 3 years later when my son is 5+ years old.
I want to visit all hot tourist destinations in USA such as NY,Washington Dc, Orlando,New Orleans, California, Las Vegas and San Francisco. I intend to reach NY and depart from San Francisco using the cheapest flight option, and I'm right now getting return tickets for Rs.70,000, that is around $1500. Apart from this, all my travel in USA will be through bus services, and will cost me around US$500 in total starting from NY to San Francisco. Other lodging, boarding and food expenses will around $1500 as I will be staying with lots of my friends houses in most of the cities in USA. I intend to stay for around 40 days to 60 days in USA in this way, and want to experience the whole country at grass root level.
I need to know that with this travel plan, how much minimum bank balance the US consulate people would need to see in my bank account.
Your guidance is highly appreciated.
Thanks in Advance.
Before anything, thanks to immihelp.com for such a magnificent service and support for the community.
I'm from India.
I have my own business of IT services and product distribution.
Have current accounts in 3 banks.
I am married and we have one kid, he's 2.5 years old.
I hold no property in my name.
I'm living with my parents, as joint family.
I want to tour USA alone leaving my family here in India. Will take my family 3 years later when my son is 5+ years old.
I want to visit all hot tourist destinations in USA such as NY,Washington Dc, Orlando,New Orleans, California, Las Vegas and San Francisco. I intend to reach NY and depart from San Francisco using the cheapest flight option, and I'm right now getting return tickets for Rs.70,000, that is around $1500. Apart from this, all my travel in USA will be through bus services, and will cost me around US$500 in total starting from NY to San Francisco. Other lodging, boarding and food expenses will around $1500 as I will be staying with lots of my friends houses in most of the cities in USA. I intend to stay for around 40 days to 60 days in USA in this way, and want to experience the whole country at grass root level.
I need to know that with this travel plan, how much minimum bank balance the US consulate people would need to see in my bank account.
Your guidance is highly appreciated.
Thanks in Advance.