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anyone got appointment at new delhi for hindi language recently?

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  • anyone got appointment at new delhi for hindi language recently?

    I have been looking for a hindi appointment at new delhi consulate for my in-laws since mid June. have not had any success so far. Has anyone made any appointments at new delhi consulate recently?do you know if august dates are opened yet or when they are expected to be opened?

  • #2
    No Interview Dates at New Delhi

    Even i am not able to get interview dates at Delhi in any lang. for my In-Laws since mid june. :-(
    Any idea when the dates will be opened for next month?


    • #3
      i have no clue when the august dates will open. i guess we will have to keep checking every 10-15 minutes. i'll let you know if i see any open dates and u do the same.thanks.


      • #4
        Sure.....i Will post it here if i get any info .


        • #5
          got an interview date today

          folks - i just got an interview date today for my mom on 6th Aug after almost a month of trying. Here's what i have understood as a pattern -

          1) Keep checking on all fridays (IST 8:15 am is the time when you will get it)
          2) Need to be fast when you are booking the interview date when you see it as someone else will beat you through it. (happened to me last friday, i saw a date but by the time i reached the last page....it showed me no dates available now)

          All the best






