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Inadmissibility Waiver questions

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  • Inadmissibility Waiver questions

    Hi, followed this forum for a long time now really hoping someone can shed some light on our experience yesterday!
    My partner had an interview for a B2 visa in London, needed due to criminal convictions. Propose of trip is a trip to Disney world.
    The interviewer initially approved his visa and then when he went to check with his boss, he said he had to deny it, because he has both a crime of moral turpitude and a substance related issue he can’t grant it at the embassy. He said he absolutely would if he was permitted to as the crimes were a long time ago and he could tell he was rehabilitated etc. The interviewer said that he was personally sending an application for a waiver? And that when the embassy send them themselves they are approved 80% of the time and that he’s sure this one would be. He told my partner to keep an eye on his emails and sent him on his way. The passport was given back but he was informed if the visa was granted we would need to get it back to London. My partner was a bit flustered by this point and didn’t ask any questions.
    Am I right in assuming that the waiver he has applied for is the process that can take up to 8 months? And I thought there was a fee for this but they didn’t ask for any money at all, will they ask for money when it’s granted? We don’t know anything except sit and wait right now, no idea how long for!
    Any advice much appreciated!

  • #2
    I am aware of this in advance, so at least I can cancel my vacation plans and inform my other colleague who has a visa. Please give me some advice.





