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Visitors visa beyond 10 years

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  • Visitors visa beyond 10 years

    My parents 10 year visitors Visa is getting over in Feb 2011. In this 10 years visa period they have not extended their stay in US beyond the initial travel date given at the immigration. Can I apply for the visitor Visa again in 2011 Feb after the current visa period expires? Did anybody here applied for second term and got the Visa ?

  • #2
    Sure can. The second time, it was a breeze. Only problem is they have to go there again in-person. No issues at all as long as they have not violated the terms of the visa. They need not even wait till the visa expires and apply before it expires.

    I am not a lawyer and you need to consult with one to validate any info posted on the forum and discuss your case specifics. H1b Question? Read the FAQ first.





