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B2 Emergency visa POE Questions

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  • B2 Emergency visa POE Questions


    My family member was visiting US when he got a stroke. He needed help with travel so i submitted required documents and got a new B2 visa by scheduling a emergency appointment.

    Do you know what questions i would be asked at the port of entry (POE) by the CBP officer regarding ermergency visa and medical treatment for my family member. Also, there might be a possibility that my family member extend their stay for treatment and the date that i used to get emergency visa for travel may not be valid. Does CBP offiicer has access to the dates and other medical documents that i submitted for emergency appointment and can they cross question me why i did not travel for a specific date and can that create any issues my entry in US at port of entry.

  • #2
    Getting your B2 visa can indeed be a very challenging task. You have a fair amount of paperwork to gather, some very stressful waiting time to go through – but perhaps the most nerve-wracking part of everything is going through the B2 visa interview questions. Even if it is for something as simple as traveling. www.monkey.cool
    Last edited by Caseydardar; 11-04-2022, 12:06 AM.


    • #3
      I'm having a close to issue and lacking to track down a response for it My Ascension
      Last edited by Ryan545; 11-08-2022, 11:47 PM.





