I was filling DS-160 for my father's visitor's visa (b2). I have confusion about a couple of questions ---
1. Nationality -- My father was born in Bangladesh and at the age of 7 he moved to India just after independence. He is an Indian citizen. Now in DS-160 the birth place should be specified as Bangladesh, but what should I write in the "Nationality" column? According to the form I should write the name of the country that is currently in use for the place where my father was born i.e. Bangladesh. That does not make any sense. In all of his documents he is mentioned as Indian. A few years ago when he applied for B2, he specified "India" as his nation. Now how does Bangaladesh become his nationality all of a sudden?
2. Job experience -- My father got retired 10 years ago. I chose "Retired" as the current occupation. The next question asked me to fill up previous employment details (Were you previously employed?) for last 5 years. I chose "No", so I didnt have to fill anything. Now during the review of the form it appears as following --
Primary Occupation Retried
Were you previously employed No
This is kind of misleading as it suggests that my father never worked before. Do you know if this is ok or not?
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I was filling DS-160 for my father's visitor's visa (b2). I have confusion about a couple of questions ---
1. Nationality -- My father was born in Bangladesh and at the age of 7 he moved to India just after independence. He is an Indian citizen. Now in DS-160 the birth place should be specified as Bangladesh, but what should I write in the "Nationality" column? According to the form I should write the name of the country that is currently in use for the place where my father was born i.e. Bangladesh. That does not make any sense. In all of his documents he is mentioned as Indian. A few years ago when he applied for B2, he specified "India" as his nation. Now how does Bangaladesh become his nationality all of a sudden?
2. Job experience -- My father got retired 10 years ago. I chose "Retired" as the current occupation. The next question asked me to fill up previous employment details (Were you previously employed?) for last 5 years. I chose "No", so I didnt have to fill anything. Now during the review of the form it appears as following --
Primary Occupation Retried
Were you previously employed No
This is kind of misleading as it suggests that my father never worked before. Do you know if this is ok or not?
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.