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VISITORS VISA approved third time

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  • VISITORS VISA approved third time

    Dear all,

    My moms visa got approved at the third time. We applied for our Mom after our father went to be with the Lord. My mother went little early this time at about 8.30 in front of the officer even though the alloted time 9 am. This time my mother spoke confidently and the questions are :

    My mom greeted Good Morning -
    Officer said Vannakam..

    1) who is < my name >
    2) why do you want to go there.
    visit places in ny, washington dc and to spend time with my sons family
    3) On looking at the passport, the officer was verifying the address my mom told.
    4) are you living alone.
    Yes, in my house

    No documents were verified this time and the officer was checking a lot in the computer it seems I think he must have verified the old forms whether they match.

    This time we trained our Mom very well.

    Please reply if this helps.


  • #2

    congratulations... it works ,you must have got good relief.. all the best for your mothers travel...


    • #3
      Your help required - for widowed mother's visa


      After searching a long time, I have finally found someone who has the same story as mine - my dad passed away 1.5 yrs back, and my mom is currently living with my elder brother in Chennai. I have 2 other brothers, one in Gujarat, and another in Lucknow.
      I am here in California on H1-B, and we applied for her B2 in June last.
      She was rejected under 214b.
      I would like to know from you how to go about making a successful second application.
      I have seen that the Consulate requires significant change in circumstances to be granted a visa after rejection the first time. The following is her circumstance then and now -
      bro 1 - gujarat (employed)
      bro 2 - london, UK (doctor)
      self - US (H1B)
      bro 4 - chennai (employed)


      bro 1 - gujarat (employed)
      bro 2 - chennai (preparing for US medical entrance)
      self - US
      bro 4 - lucknow (student)


      mom has her bank accts in chennai and a house in her name - no significant change from the last application.

      another change is that, bro 2 is now married to an american citizen in new jersey (and that is why he is writing his US exams) he is likely to get his visa in a couple of months from now.

      We presented all the true information the last time.

      Can you please tell me if you see any merits in her case for tourist visa, and if yes, as to whether we should apply as such, or should I present the information differently?

      Also, you mentioned about TRAINING YOUR MOM - what needs to be done??

      Looking forward to a quick response...I am really frustrated with the situation and the fact that my mother has to be alone there.
      Congrats on your successful application!!


      • #4
        from what I know and understood

        forgive me for not replying immediately.

        By training I meant,

        to reply fast without any hesitation.

        1) to remember my address, office and residence phone number

        2) places to visit.

        3) family bondage in India

        4) assets in india and value.

        5) speak clearly and confidently.

        6) mostly to go with one word answer and not to give more than what the officer wants.

        7) dress as professional as you can.

        8) have a smile on face and greet the officer (translator also) looking at the eye .

        9) not to look elsewhere otherthan the officer.

        10) arrive early. this is very important.

        11) keep it relax and prepare that if the Officer does not approve there are always next time and this gives more confidence and not to think that this is the final one which would make the answers little unnatural than what it needs to be.

        Thank you for you wishes .



        • #5
          Immihelp Support
          No legal advice. Use at your own risk.

          Visa and Greencard Tracker

          Visitor Medical Insurance for your visiting relatives.


          • #6

            Present the information as it is if there is no change. I dont think the consulate would see any document other than ds-156. The additional documents, I think, are only supporting doucments and it may be viewed during the interview process.

            Again, this is my own understanding, unless they checked everthing for the first time in the interview.


            • #7
              Thanks for the reply

              Yeah, GY123...they did not look through the documents the first time.
              I am inclined to show the information as it is.
              Thanks for all the tips on attending the interview...hopefully, I will get it this time.
              Congrats to you once again!!

              P.S. If it is not too personal a question, how much money in the bank do you think is a reasonable estimate for the sponsor to show?


              • #8
                $5000/person is quite reasonable.
                Immihelp Support
                No legal advice. Use at your own risk.

                Visa and Greencard Tracker

                Visitor Medical Insurance for your visiting relatives.


                • #9
                  Mom visa rejected 214b - reapply criteria

                  I am in a similar boat.
                  My moms visa got rejected on recently under 214b.

                  Mom: Widower
                  2 sons ie., me and my brother. Both of us are in US.
                  My granny stays with my mom. She had all the documents to prove her emotional ties and financial commitments.

                  Questions asked:
                  a) What is your name?

                  b) How many kids?
                  2 sons

                  c) what do they do?
                  software engineer

                  d) where do they work?
                  my mom mentioned the company i work for.

                  No questions/ no documents asked for. the officer handed over the 214b form.

                  My Question:

                  a) The consulate talks about the change of status to re-apply. I do not foresee anything in the near future but I want to re-apply. So just re-apply?

                  b) Is that the consulate checks the history even before the person appears for the interview (and almost conclude), 'cos I do not see that the officer gave any opportunity to my mom to present her case at all.

                  c) Moreover all the dates a booked.

                  Thanks in adavance for your response.


                  • #10
                    I am in the same situation.....needed advise

                    I went thru the same situation when we applied visitors visa for my mom. Me and my brother live in US and my husband sponsored for her. And the officer at the consulate asked almost the same questions as they asked ur mother. My mom's mother stay with my mom in India. Since my mom is the only daughter for my grandma, she has to go back to india no matter what(which really i think is a strong tie for her to go back). And she has her own business to takecare and few properties on her name.

                    The officer just asked her 1.How many children does she have, 2.Where r they, 3.When did my father died & 4. Who is sponsoring for her trip.
                    That's it the officer din't checked any other documents and they rejected under 214b with out giving any further chance for her to prove.

                    I really love to hear suggestions from any of u, how to deal with the situation next time when she goes for interview next time in June.
                    Please suggest me where she can start and how????????

                    will be looking forward for ur reply
                    thanks a lot in advance.





