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Visa for parents with single child in US

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  • Visa for parents with single child in US

    Thanks for taking time. My parents are going for visa interview next week at Bombay. We have all the documents but the one thing worrying is that the only child they have(me) is in US. What do u guys think we should take care of? Any interview questions we should be careful about? Any extra documents??

    Thanks to all

  • #2
    There is nothing you can do extra about it. You can't change the fact.

    Try your best and go for the visa and see what happens.
    Immihelp Support
    No legal advice. Use at your own risk.

    Visa and Greencard Tracker

    Visitor Medical Insurance for your visiting relatives.


    • #3
      Well dont we all "try our best"? I was hoping some specific answer. Thanks anyway.


      • #4
        Of course, everyone tries best.

        But there is no specific answer in these type of questions. Prepare everything according to https://www.immihelp.com/usa-visas/visitor and hope for the best.

        There is no sure precise way of guaranteeing the success in visa process.
        Immihelp Support
        No legal advice. Use at your own risk.

        Visa and Greencard Tracker

        Visitor Medical Insurance for your visiting relatives.





