I want to sponsor visitor visa for my nephew who is 11 years old and wanted to see USA. My brother, wife and youger niece do not plan to come this time. I am also applying visitor visa for my parents.
1. Can I club all the 3 applications (My parents and niece)?
2. I could not find specific documents w.r.t. to my nephew that needs to be carried to the consulate.
3. Does my brother and his wife have to accompany him to the consulate or a letter from them will suffice? If they have to accompany, does this needs to be mentioned in interview application somewhere.
Will appreciate help in this.
1. Can I club all the 3 applications (My parents and niece)?
2. I could not find specific documents w.r.t. to my nephew that needs to be carried to the consulate.
3. Does my brother and his wife have to accompany him to the consulate or a letter from them will suffice? If they have to accompany, does this needs to be mentioned in interview application somewhere.
Will appreciate help in this.